Published: January 10, 2022

5 Misconceptions People Have About Professional Home Buyers in Orange County

When considering such a significant and vital financial transaction as selling your home, when you believe information that is incorrect about your options, it is self-limiting and can be costly in many ways. Yet, professional home buyers are successful because their service is in demand by those who investigated all of their choices and found a direct sale was the best fit in their particular set of personal and financial circumstances.

So why not find out the truth for yourself like so many others before you? Read on as we explore five misconceptions about professional home buyers in Orange County.

Low Offers

The idea that professional home buyers will lowball sellers on the offers is a prominent misconception people have about professional home buyers in Orange County. However, the truth is quite the opposite. When you factor in that there is no need to worry about repairs, pay for professional digital photography or drone video, cover marketing expense, or do any cleaning or prep for showings, selling directly to a company like H&M Realty Group can save sellers time and money.

Bait and Switch

Another misconception people have about professional home buyers in Orange County is that we will try to renegotiate (we always follow through on our offers); you won’t even pay commissions, closing costs, or other hidden fees. You don’t need to worry about passing inspections or finding out your buyer didn’t qualify for financing, and you need to renegotiate the price. The offer we make details precisely the amount of cash you will be holding in your hands after the closing is complete. 


That we are shady or conduct illegal business dealings are other misconceptions people have about professional home buyers in Orange County that are completely off target. Professional home buyers are cash buyers who provide a valuable service, offering solutions that the conventional real estate market cannot offer. Among these are benefits such as guaranteed closing dates, sometimes in a matter of days that professional home buyers like those at H&M Realty Group are happy to reschedule for the seller’s convenience.

Bargain Properties Only

Many people mistakenly believe that professional home buyers in Orange County will only buy older, unwanted houses that would not sell on the MLS. However, there are as many reasons sellers decide a direct sale is the best answer as there are the types of homes that professional home buyers like those at H&M Realty Group will buy. From brand new houses to multi-family properties, find out how you may benefit from speaking with a professional home buyer from H&M Realty Group about any hurdles you face and let them help you find the best answer.


Another misconception people have about professional home buyers in Orange County is that you’ll receive an offer that is less than fair if you sell directly. On the contrary, professional home buyers like those at H&M Realty Group will detail every number of the offer for your home that you will agree is fair. In addition, because we want you to make an informed decision, the professional home buyers at H&M Realty Group will also provide you with the data on what you would earn if you decide to sell through a conventional listing on the MLS.

Don’t let any misconceptions people have about professional home buyers in Orange County hold you back. At H&M Realty Group, communication is critical, so we stop and take the time to listen so that you know we understand your needs and goals to help guide you through the process. You will find the full-service team at H&M Realty Group can help you make the best decision about how you handle selling your home with ease. Contact H&M Realty Group at 949-625-4533.

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Joe Homs
California License #00702131
23121 Verdugo Dr #100, Laguna Hills, CA 92653
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