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3 Creative Financing Strategies to Help Orange County Home Sellers Reach Their Goals

Perhaps your circumstances have changed, and you no longer have the time and money to prep, rehab or even renovate a property to bring the highest returns. Or perhaps you have decided you would like to team up with experts after listing on your own; if this is the case, you are not alone. Owners […]

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5 Unique Real Estate Investment Ideas for Buyers in Orange County

Ideas for real estate investments are limitless, and real estate purchases can be exciting for investors. However, it takes more than getting a good feeling about a property. Due diligence and skillful property management combine to build a healthy real estate portfolio. Diversifying into different sectors as you master each also helps build security against […]

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3 Simple Ways to Maximize the Income from Your Orange County Investment Property

Why didn’t anyone tell me? It’s frustrating to learn that you could have been making more profit from your investment dollar by taking a few simple steps to improve your property.  With a focus on the more home-based lifestyle of the day, you may want to consider updating to the most current technology as an […]

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3 Staggering Costs of Owning the Wrong House in Orange County

While there may be nothing wrong with your property, the traditional listing process is long, complicated and can be extremely stressful during the best of times. However, selling your house on the Orange County market is not always the best method, especially when you’re under the pressures of time, finances or personal circumstances that do […]

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3 Differences Between Buying Commercial and Residential Property in Orange County

Along with industrial, business or retail uses or apartment complexes, residential properties with more than five units are also commercial properties. Single-family homes, multi-family properties of up to four units and mobile homes are all considered residential properties. Both commercial and residential real estate investment opportunities serve to reach similar goals, with some very significant […]

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5 Ways to Expand Your Orange County Real Estate Portfolio

Diversifying by providing income streams from multiple asset types, such as stocks, bonds, precious metals and from multiple sectors within the Orange County real estate market helps to ensure security against any sector’s downturns. Because time works in your favor when you invest in real estate, the sooner you begin, the greater the wealth. Rental […]

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5 Things That Will Make You a Bad Landlord in Orange County

When searching for your investment property, you likely reviewed the numbers. However, these numbers reflected the existing property management’s commitment to their job. If you took on the landlord role and haven’t seen the same results, it may help to figure out where you’re going wrong. So read on as we explore five things that […]

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3 Unique Ways to Break Into the Orange County Real Estate Market

With risk comes rewards; when investing in real estate, greater risk equates to greater rewards. Real estate investments offer myriad options for people of every walk of life to leap into this exciting way to build wealth over the long term and create financial independence for your retirement years. Diversifying among the many different real […]

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A Buyers Guide To Lease Option Properties in Orange County

Many buyers want to avoid a permanent living arrangement where they realize they’re unhappy, and lease options are a solution for these buyers. During the contract period, you have a chance to try out the home and ensure that you want to stay in residence for the long term, following through with purchasing the property. […]

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4 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Buying Land In Orange County

Savvy real estate investors who seek to diversify their portfolios understand the potential returns and the unlimited number of creative uses that land can offer. Often, these entrepreneurial investors combine other business interests with creating wealth through their real estate investments and develop a parcel of land to grow their business further. Whatever your investment […]

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(949) 625-4533


23121 Verdugo Drive #100
Laguna Hills, CA 92653
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Joe Homs
California License #00702131
23121 Verdugo Dr #100, Laguna Hills, CA 92653
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