Considering selling your home in the winter? During the hustle and bustle of wintertime, it can be especially difficult to list your home on the market. Regrettably, there is an impression among buyers that those selling during the winter are doing so of financial desperation and tend to make lower offers. Especially during the holidays, emotional attachments add a personal value to the property, getting in the way of setting realistic asking prices. In today's fast-paced online real estate market, the wrong price will turn away buyers and leave your home sitting. You can prepare yourself ahead of time by comparing similar properties that are currently for sale and recently sold in your area. Read on to learn more about these 5 hurdles homeowners face when selling a home during the winter in Orange County.
Buyers' priorities change during this season, as during the winter there is a literal beehive of extra activity including shopping, cooking, and parties for friends and work. There is also the call of outdoor activities during winter, meaning as many weekend getaways as possible. When you add in all of this, along with any traditional gatherings you may celebrate with your family, it is easy to see why buyers are distracted from home shopping at this time of year. The level of demands on everyone’s time is a big hurdle homeowners face when selling a home during the winter in Orange County.
Showings are inevitable when your house is listed. Being able to leave your home at any moment during the winter weekends is difficult at best, add in children and pets and the chaos is doubled. For those in more northern regions, inclement weather during the winter months makes traveling a risk. In icy conditions this risk includes walking safely to the home for your buyers, so you simply cannot forget the outdoors. You will want to be certain to maintain clear walkways at all times. During this time of year, outdoor activities create additional chores when attempting to keep everything spotless. This is another hurdle homeowners face when selling a home during the winter in Orange County. These demands and constant intrusions can strain even the best of relationships, especially at such a stressful time of year.
Bringing your home to the attention of potential buyers means you will be shining a spotlight on the property, regrettably the spotlight often points to issues with the home. Making repairs is expensive, time-consuming, and stressful, to say the least. Repairs are made all the more difficult during this time of year by freezing temperatures, wet or even icy conditions affect travel and even walking. Shortened days also limit the time work can be accomplished, to mention just a few of the issues. Managing the additional requirements of the season to make repairs is another hurdle homeowners face when selling a home during the winter in Orange County.
The depressing mood of gray winter days is a hurdle homeowners face when selling a home during the winter in Orange County. This can be countered by opening every curtain and allowing all possible natural light to flow in. Additionally, turn on every light for a warmer and more welcoming mood indoors. and make every effort to show off the landscaping, perhaps with outdoor lighting on more dreary days. For those planning their sale far enough in advance, have professional photos taken for your marketing during the time of year your landscaping is at its best.
Bank holidays are in abundance during this time of year and extended winter vacations cause delays in processing paperwork This is another of the hurdles homeowners face when selling a home during the winter in Orange County. Not only can this be disheartening, but these delays also affect the process down the line, all the way to extending the date of closing. Delays in finalizing your buyer's mortgage due to days the bankers are not available can become quite expensive. Let’s face it, being on time is not always easy, especially when you’re distracted by the upcoming holidays. When considering selling your own property, deadlines are a big obstacle homeowners face when selling their houses duringOften, buyers fail to qualify for mortgages, causing sellers to lose deals and have to start again.
Would you like to avoid all of the hurdles homeowners face when selling a home during the winter in Orange County? Pellego will save you from all of the headaches associated with traditional listings! It is far less demanding when you sell to Pellego with no need to worry about the process of repairing, listing, and selling by the traditional method during the difficult and busy winter months! When the time has come to sell, making the wrong choice can be costly. To learn more about how we can help, send us a message or call (949) 625-4533 today!
There are many advantages in owning smaller properties for senior homeowners. Many find much less space is desirable during their golden years. Cleaning and maintaining less home equates to less overall work and lowers expenses, some rather dramatically. The decision on how you sell your larger home needs to include all of the potential costs that accompany each type of sales method. Understanding these expenses can help you to make the best choice for your situation. Should you find yourself at this stage of life, read on to learn these 5 things seniors should know about downsizing their homes in Orange County.
Especially during your golden years, when you are ready to begin downsizing your home in Orange County, the thought of a traditional listing may seem too complicated to take on by yourself. Most especially since the internet is where most buyers search for housing on today’s market. The other option for listing means paying outrageous commissions and fees, so that someone else can handle all of the legal paperwork, marketing, and showing appointments. In either event, the thought of strangers touring your home and personal possessions is disquieting at best. And let’s face it, keeping everything picture perfect at all times is not easy on the best of days. Not to mention sitting at the bargaining table while buyer after buyer makes insultingly low offers.
Cleaning out a house can be both physically and emotionally difficult when seniors are downsizing their homes in Orange County, especially if they have lived there for a long time. Part of the very reason you may be selling is the fact that your home is already too much for you to maintain, add in clearing and packing and you may find yourself exhausted. If you are not able to do the work yourself, it is likely you will need to hire someone to help you, which can be costly, depending on how large your home is and how many possessions you own. Because every corner is filled with happy memories that you are leaving behind you may become emotionally drained as well. When you know you are letting go of these things, it is very easy for valuable time to slip away as you go back in time, looking through each room, emptying closets, and sorting through boxes full of belongings.
Inspections and appraisals are an integral part of the traditional home selling process, leading many to spend thousands of dollars when they are ready to begin downsizing their homes in Orange County. In order to pass inspections, it is entirely possible that you could end up facing overwhelming repair bills for an issue you were not even aware of previously. Real estate professionals know that many buyers lack the imagination required to realize the potential you may feel your property possesses, with no ability to see past anything that is in a state of disrepair, simply worn or even outdated. The upgrades required to modernize and refresh a home can be anything from replacing aging cabinetry to installing new flooring in part or all of the property. You may need to replace woodwork or paint the interior and exterior of the home. All of these costs can add up very quickly and must be met prior to ever realizing a profit on the home. For that matter, it must be complete before ever listing the home for sale. As time passes, your bills only continue to rise as more and more of your potential profits slip away.
Consider a direct sale to Pellego, which can be a much better option for you! We take the time to listen to your situation and understand your goals for now and the future. At Pellego we are happy to help you with this decision, if listing with an agent is a better option for you, we will tell you so. Should you choose to work with Pellego you can just pack what you want to keep when you are downsizing, by selling your home in Orange County directly, without any more showings to worry about. You can also save all the time and costs involved in a deep clean of your larger home when you sell directly. In many cases you can just leave behind any items you would rather not take along to your new residence. You can leave the monthly payments behind too. Working with Pellego means eliminating most of the normal fees associated with traditional closings. The price Pellego offers is the price you get. You will also forego the fees normally associated with the required reports from appraisals and inspections in most cases. Especially on newer or more recently renovated properties. Send us a message or call Pellego today at (949) 625-4533 to learn just how quickly we can help you start saving money!
Buying investment real estate in Orange County? While there are many factors that influence the market, be certain to take into consideration the following 5 ways to position yourself to score big in 2021.
Every successful journey begins with a roadmap! Your plan should be based on your goals and how the investment affects your long term passive income stream. When buying investment real estate in Orange County, laying out a complete plan is an excellent way to position yourself to score big in 2021. Not only does this include your beginning phase, but you should also pre-plan for your exit strategy. In real estate an exit strategy is designed for releasing the holding at some point in time, whether it be in the near future, such as flipping or a buy and hold property, earning an income stream while building equity over time. While this may sound easy, there is a great deal of knowledge required to layout a successful budget. Working with a professional buyer like Pellego means you will be listened to when it comes to your individual questions and concerns about both your short term and long term objectives.
Running a business, which is truly what your real estate investments are, means working within a budget. In addition to laying out your plan, you need to plan for all possibilities of owning and maintaining real estate, providing you the ability to easily handle any problem that may arise along the way. The returns on your investment are the bottom line, assessing the budget, and making sure your investment will make gains in returns is of primary importance. By working with a professional buyer like Pellego you will be aware of all expenses, repairs and the timeline of any necessary work will be explained before you buy. Because you will know just what to expect and when, there won’t be any concern about being burdened with the surprise of sudden major expenses down the road. Making a budget based on realistic and complete data is another great way to position yourself to score big in 2021 for buying investment real estate in Orange County.
Buying investment real estate in Orange County based on relevant and reliable data is another way to position yourself to score big in 2021. It may take some time for you to get your credit in order and to save for your initial down payment, your patience will pay off by making a higher down because you’ll pay less interest overall. Investments should not be jumped into due to an emotional feeling or hunch that a property is the right property for you! Far too many buyers end up holding regret and an ample supply of repair bills and other unpleasant financial realities, all of which could have been brought to light before the purchase by working with an expert. At Pellego we are happy to answer any questions you may have about how to analyze investment properties.
It is important to have your financing in place, your budget clearly laid out, so you know which property you are able to afford, and a clear focus on the type of investment property that is best suited to your individual circumstances. You can position yourself to score big in 2021 by not hesitating when the right deal shows up when you are buying investment real estate in Orange County. Understandably, fearing taking the risk of purchasing a property without feeling confident that you are getting a great deal will make buyers hesitate. This is one of the main reasons many investors choose to work with professional buyers who know their way around the market. By working with Pellego you can avoid the risks that overwhelm newcomers and benefit from their insider knowledge, grabbing a real bargain up off of the market just as soon as it becomes available.
Buying investment real estate in Orange County? A professional buyer's purpose is to help people solve problems while revitalizing homes and giving back to the community. Professional buyers can save you both time and money, being extremely familiar with the warning signs of poor investments. Pellego makes real estate investing a smooth and simple process. We can guide you through getting your finances in order so that you are in the best position to earn the highest return on your investment dollar as soon as possible. Working with a professional property buyer like Pellego is the best way to position yourself to score big in 2021. Why not let an expert help you lay out a plan and offer guidance. Helping you realize your vision of real estate investing is our job. At Pellego we do the legwork to find the best properties for you! Send us a message or give us a call to learn more about what we can offer you!
Once the big decision to sell your home has been made, the next step is deciding how to sell. When making this decision, it is very important that you understand all of the costs involved, some of which the agent may not be able to provide. We will outline 5 costs homeowners face when selling with a Orange County real estate agent
Real estate agent commissions are among the highest of the costs homeowners face when selling with a Orange County real estate agent. These commissions are based on a percentage of the sale price of your house. Typically, you will find the commission of at least 3% per side, so if you sell your house for $400,000, you would have to pay $24,000 out of your proceeds in commissions alone, along with the traditional seller’s closing fees and other possible transaction fees to the closing agent and the real estate agents office. Along with the commission are the traditional seller’s closing fees. You may possibly owe transaction fees for the closing agent and the real estate agent's office as well.
Professional appraisers and home inspector fees are also found among the traditional costs homeowners face when selling with a Orange County real estate agent. When you use a real estate agent, the first step in the approval of a mortgage is the property appraising for enough to meet the terms of the loan the buyers have qualified for. Additionally, the buyer’s agent will almost always order an inspection of the property. There may also be fees for the closing agent handling the transaction, in addition to the closing costs you are already responsible for.
Depending on the age of your home and the state of maintenance the property is in, it may be wise to have your own inspection performed, prior to listing. By being prepared ahead of time, a professional can help you understand just what you may be facing financially, in terms of a traditional real estate transaction. If the inspector should find something wrong with the property structure, or other issues with the property that need repairs, they may require you to fix it out of pocket before the property closes. The potential costs can run into the thousands and become yet another expense homeowners face when selling with a Orange County real estate agent, possibly even more than the commission you’ll pay to the real estate agent.
Advertising can be a rather expensive aspect of costs homeowners face when selling with a Orange County real estate agent. Listings typically include high-quality professional photography, so that the listing stands out among the competitors on the top internet pages for home searches, including the MLS. When working with top producers, you can expect staging to be another item you will be responsible for within the advertising budget. Be certain you carefully review this section of the listing agreement with the agent and ask questions about anything that isn’t set with specific limits. Their version of updating the property and what you have agreed to perform in order to meet their standards, with an unlimited budget, may not meet with the realities of your checkbook.
Holding onto one property when circumstances force you to move into another means that you will be responsible to carry the expenses for both for an indeterminate period of time. Many sellers find their home is stagnating on the market while they sink under their monthly bills, including those to do the smaller maintenance tasks or take on the additional burdens on their time, bearing the expense of traveling between the two properties to perform the tasks. Sadly, while real estate agents are busy laying out all the plans to sell your home, the one thing they cannot guarantee is that your property will sell. This can lead to your home painfully lingering on the marketplace, which in itself becomes another cost homeowners face when selling with a Orange County real estate agent. Additionally, traditional house sales contracts usually include buyers meeting qualifications from banks, allowance for the mortgage underwriting time, and property inspection. Last but not least, your buyer may not end up qualifying, in the end, leading to starting your listing over again and an even longer period on the market.
Why spend a fortune when there is no guarantee your property will actually be sold by an agent? Work with Pellego and avoid all of the expenses homeowners face when selling with a Orange County real estate agent. By selling directly to Pellego, you will not need to worry about commissions, broker fees, paying other professionals, repairs, or advertising! At Pellego we are happy to discuss these and other reasons why it is better to sell your house directly. Please send us a message or give us a call today at (949) 625-4533.
Delaying selling? You may want to read about the following 5 reasons why you should consider selling your house right away in Orange County
The showing process Involves constant interruptions, the most convenient time for buyers being your downtime at home in the evenings and on weekends. An additional stress factor brought on by showings is the pressure of constantly maintaining your home. The fact that you could suddenly have buyers popping in means you can never really relax. In order to list the property, it needs to be in picture-perfect condition. From small fixes to an expensive foundation, structural, or larger home system repairs, such as a furnace or plumbing, unless your home is brand-new, you may also have to invest to be ready. Avoiding the expenses and stress of preparing to list and have showings is one reason why you should consider selling your house right away in Orange County.
While not the only expense involved in listing a home on the market in a traditional method, the extremely high commission's of real estate agents drives many homeowners to attempt the do-it-yourself path of listing their house. After time passes and they have made expensive mistakes, they then turn to a realtor. Top agents demand a healthy marketing budget, they’ll want to control what is done to improve the condition of your home and are likely to include the costs of staging. Along with all of the other fees that may be tacked on, these sellers find themselves digging yet a deeper hole into the property, in order to sell it, with no guarantee of a sale. These commissions and other expenses involved with listing a home for sale are another reason why you should consider selling your house right away in Orange County.
The unknown factor of when your home will sell when listed on the traditional real estate marketplace adds immense stress. Especially if you’re under pressure to move due to financial difficulties, a change in employment, or the need to care for an ailing loved one in another location. Having to pay the costs for two homes when forced to relocate is an important reason you should consider selling your house right away in Orange County. Many budgets are unable to carry such a load. Consider this when exploring the true cost of listing traditionally, either with an agent or on your own.
There are changes I had to bank regulations which will likely cause an increase in the mortgage rate. Additionally, the Fed, or the Federal Reserve, has been slowly cutting back on the mortgage backed securities that they are committed to purchasing as the year comes to an end. While they don’t set the rates directly, their actions and policies have an effect on mortgage rates. Acting before rates rise and buyers with already strained credit are becoming scarce is a good reason to consider selling your house right away in Orange County. Much of the Fed's actions as the progress will be dependent on the outcome of the vaccines in the works for the pandemic and their effect on the economy becomes clearer. There are also new banking capital requirements coming into effect, likely to cause rising rates as well.
All good things must come to an end, and this is true for the current status of inventory available to buyers. While millions of homeowners have come under the protection of the CDC order and have been able to hold onto their property, the likelihood of these homeowners overcoming their economic challenges is extremely uncertain. They will be responsible for timely mortgage payments moving forward, but most have been required to arrange to pay an additional repayment amount, for the unpaid months. As this year comes to an end, experts are predicting the housing market will become flooded with homes that are now under mortgage forbearance, meaning this advantage will soon slip through their fingers. It is also likely that not only will housing prices level off, but there is also an expectation of a drop in pricing as well as the new year begins. Oversupply, leading to lower prices, is a big reason why you should consider selling your house right away in Orange County
By selling directly to Pellego, you can eliminate all of these concerns and expenses! You’ll be ahead of the game with a guaranteed closing date in hand, usually within 30 days or less. Pellego buys your house exactly as it sits, with none of the demands of repairs, showings, or paying all of the commissions, fees, and marketing expenses that come along with listing a home. Ready to learn more about the reasons why you should consider selling your house in Orange County to Pellego right away? Send us a message or call Pellego at (949) 625-4533 now.
The true costs of owning the wrong Orange County home can be not only emotional but very expensive. Why live another day in a home that you can no longer afford or just doesn’t suit your lifestyle any longer? Here are some of the true costs of owning the wrong home in Orange County.
Many times buyers fall in love with a property and are unaware of the true costs involved with ownership of this specific home, impulsively buying more house than they can truly afford. Owning the wrong Orange County home can bury you in financial debt. You could end up paying more in interest on loans trying to hold onto the property than you will ever make up in equity over time. If you find yourself in this situation, it may be time to accept your mistake and save yourself from possible bankruptcy or even foreclosure by selling.
Regrettably, even the best of neighborhoods can become less than desirable. Perhaps you have had to change jobs and your commute has become overwhelming. Owning the wrong Orange County home in the wrong location can also mean that growth has changed the atmosphere of the area from what you desire. Other issues could be interrupted sleep because of neighbors. While you can take actions such as filing a police report or even filing a restraining order if problem neighbors come onto your property repeatedly. You may find yourself regretting your home purchase. Should you find yourself unable to live with the situation any longer, it may be time to sell.
Owning the wrong Orange County home could also leave you drowning in repair bills and dealing with the headaches of scheduling repair work. Living in the home during major repairs can be difficult or even impossible, costing you even more in finding temporary housing. While your home may have been in great condition when you purchased it, things can and do go wrong. If you find your home has started needing repairs more often and they are becoming more and more expensive, it is a good time to sell.
In order to properly care for a home both inside and out, routine maintenance cannot be delayed or serious issues can arise, and end up costing thousands of dollars in damage. Owning the wrong Orange County home may mean that the property has simply become too much for you to care for on your own, physically. For this reason, if you are unable to carry out the tasks required, you’ll have to foot the bill to pay for someone to help you do the work. If you cannot afford to hire help, it may be time to sell your home.
As your needs change over time, owning the wrong Orange County home may mean that you find yourself with either too little house, or too much house. When your family grows unexpectedly, it can become stressful to have too many people crammed into a small space. Circumstances can change that may make your home too much for you to easily care for any longer. When a home no longer serves the needs of those living within, this is a red flag that it is time to sell.
Don’t hesitate! At Pellego we are here to help. With a direct sale to Pellego, you will have a quick closing date that is guaranteed! If you find yourself burdened with owning the wrong Orange County home, it’s time to take action. With a direct sale to Pellego, concerns over the costs of any repairs can be completely eliminated. Don’t waste your valuable time and money! Pellego makes it easy to move on with your life! Send us a message or call (949) 625-4533 today.
No matter why you’re considering selling to an iBuyer, the conveniences that iBuyers may seem to offer may be far outweighed by the negatives lurking below the surface. iBuyers work on a large scale basis and sellers often find that questions and concerns go unanswered because the company just doesn't care. Professional buyers are a part of the community and dedicated to helping the people of Orange County. Professional buyers like Pellego take the time to listen because our focus is helping individuals, Here are the five reasons why it is better to work with a professional home buyer in Orange County vs. an iBuyer.
iBuyers aren't local, being unfamiliar with Orange County means they don’t offer as much as professional buyers will for your home. iBuyers method of buying appears to offer a streamlined and rapid sale yet many of the fees you're responsible for are well hidden, such as paying closing costs. iBuyer’s hidden fees and high commissions can all eat away at your bottom line.
Professional buyers like Pellego offer fair prices, taking the time to fully explain our process. Professional buyers like Pellego don’t charge sellers other costs to sell your home. Because the offer when you sign the sales agreement will be the actual amount you’ll receive at closing, it is more beneficial to work with a professional home buyer in Orange County vs. an iBuyer. Pellego helps sellers meet their specific needs, with both their immediate and future goals as our top priority.
iBuyers may add a contingency making the seller responsible for any repairs they deem necessary. Often iBuyers require sellers to accept the offer prior to revealing the costs that could be involved which often lowers the actual offer significantly. iBuyers devised this system to avoid taking on the costs of these repairs, lacking any concern over how you’ll come up with these extra funds before closing.
Professional buyers like Pellego will purchase the house as-is, making it preferable to work with a professional home buyer in Orange County vs. an iBuyer. With our experience we understand all the risks involved in buying a home as is, we also understand the relief this can offer to an already strained homeowner. With no repairs needed, you can avoid paying for expensive repairs before you ever realize a penny of profit.
iBuyers motivation is profit, they’re removed from any sense of responsibility for the problems you may face or how much time passes, they can just move on to the next unwitting seller. While initially dangling the carrot of extremely quick closings, it is quite possible the very contract sellers sign is laced with contingencies, requiring repairs which the iBuyer is fully aware will lead to delays in closing. For those forced to relocate prior to closing, holding two properties means double the bills, in addition to covering the repair bills, until the terms of your contract are satisfied.
Professional home buyers usually close within 30 days or less. Depending on the circumstances under which you've decided to sell your property, your resources may be dwindling fast. At Pellego, our quick process means you can leave all of your worries behind, making it better to work with a professional home buyer in Orange County vs. an iBuyer.
You’ll thank yourself in the long run for taking the time to understand the huge difference between iBuyers and professional buyers like Pellego. Our goal at Pellego is to help you solve your problems, which is the best reason to work with a professional home buyer in Orange County vs. an iBuyer. Find out for yourself by sending us a message or calling Pellego at (949) 625-4533 today!
Are you truly happy with your house in Orange County? While there are several upsides to homeownership, as with everything in life there is always a cost to benefits. Over time, circumstances can change meaning that what may have once made your dream home is an asset no longer serves you. We will explore these five ways to know your house in Orange County is more trouble than it’s worth.
Property taxes may rise dramatically, depending on market fluctuations and could outpace any increase in your income over the same time period. Another expense that may be unplanned is tax assessments or homeowners association (HOA) fees for special projects, which can be extremely expensive. If you find that it is costing you a lot of money just to own your property because of these fees or taxes, your house in Orange County is likely more trouble financially than it is worth.
As homes age, the progression of repairs usually increases in both frequency and expense. Eventually between the effects of time and wear and tear, major systems and appliances wear out. Depending on the age and condition of the major structural elements, you could be facing thousands in structural or foundation issues, or even plumbing or roofing repairs. At the same time, the decor of the home usually needs at minimum a touch up, if not a complete updating. You may even need to consider major remodeling. If you are facing a great deal of upgrades and repairs, your house in Orange County is probably much more trouble than it’s worth.
Maintaining a home can become extremely burdensome, especially if your circumstances change. While you may have had the time or the ability to handle all of the responsibilities of caring for your property when you purchased your home, it may have become impossible physically or financially. Allowing routine maintenance to be delayed for prolonged periods can mean thousands of dollars in damage to your home, or worse. Should an issue such as an overgrown tree cause damage from falling limbs, you could be facing legal fees and penalties as well. Depending on the size of your property, hiring help could be quite costly as well, meaning your house in Orange County is more trouble than it’s worth.
If your home isn't working for your current needs, your house in Orange County is more trouble than it’s worth. As time passes and families grow, they often find the house that worked perfectly when it was purchased has become much too small. Later in life, as homeowners begin to focus on retirement years, they often prefer to live in and maintain much less home. In either event, when your home just doesn’t suit you, it’s time to move on.
If you can afford to hold the property, turning it into an investment property as a rental, your home could become a dependable source of monthly income. However, if your home is not in what is considered to be a good location in Orange County, which would be desirable to tenants, it may be difficult if not impossible to find good tenants. Should you find yourself in this situation, your house in Orange County is more trouble than it’s worth.
Would you like to avoid paying for these and other expensive costs homeowners face when their homes in Orange County no longer suit their lifestyle? You can avoid these and many more unexpected costs by selling directly to Pellego! Please give us a call today at (949) 625-4533 to discuss these and other reasons why your house in Orange County may just be more trouble than it may be worth. To learn more about how to end your burdens of an unwanted property, send us a message or give us a call today! (949) 625-4533
Do you need to sell a house while buying another one? Finally ready to move but need to sell your existing home first? By listing your home on the traditional market, either with a real estate agent or on your own, the chances are likely that your dream home could fall through your fingers because you are not able to sell your current home. Looking for the easiest way to sell a house while buying another one in Orange County? Find out how selling directly to Pellego could be the solution to your problems.
With a traditional listing, there simply is no way to guarantee when or even if your home will ever sell. Regrettably, the longer a house lingers on the market, the more likely buyers are to pass it by in their initial search of listings, assuming that there must be something wrong with a property that sits for 30 days or longer which hasn’t been revealed in the information available. As more time passes, not only will you be forced to drop your asking price in hopes of getting an offer, you will absorb the cost of holding onto your current home, but your chance to purchase the new home you wanted may be slipping away. Because Pellego offers a guaranteed closing date, working with us is the easiest way to sell a house while buying another one in Orange County.
Often delays in moving forward with buying another home before you sell your existing real estate is because contracts fall through because the buyer is unable to qualify for financing. Because selling directly to Pellego means being paid in cash, the closing is guaranteed. This is another benefit of selling directly that makes working with Pellego the easiest way to sell a house while buying another one in Orange County.
Selling to a direct buyer like Pellego usually involves purchasing the property as-is, or just exactly as it sits. While it is possible you will realize a little less for your home, we offer a fair price. If your home isn’t brand new, avoiding the costs of renovations, updates and repairs could end up saving you thousands of dollars in expenses. You could also be facing weeks or even months of delays as the repairs take place. Avoiding these costs and headaches also make selling directly to Pellego the easiest way to sell a house while buying another one in Orange County
Should you find a buyer, if there are any delays with moving into your new home, with traditional listings, your buyers will have already made plans to move in. Contingencies for this reality are likely built into your sales contract. At this point they are likely to demand you make other arrangements, surprises with your new home closing can be both inconvenient and expensive. Especially if you are forced to find temporary housing in a hurry. Because Pellego isn’t worried about moving into the property, the closing date can be very flexible. Pellego is happy to work with you on your timeline. This is another reason that selling directly to Pellego is easiest way to sell a house while buying another one in Orange County
The easiest way to sell a house while buying another one in Orange County is to sell directly - listing has too many unknowns. If you are ready to save time, avoid repairs, skip the cleaning, forget about showings, paying high commissions and fees, Pellego is here to help. These are just a few of the reasons selling directly to Pellego is the easiest way to sell when you are ready to buy your next home. To learn more, send us a message or call Pellego today! (949) 625-4533
Thinking about selling your house in Orange County? Traditional home sales carry several expenses, some of which you may not have taken into consideration. No matter if you select to work with a professional real estate agent or sell on your own, you’re likely to run into all of these expenses. We will explore five costs you may not be aware of when selling your house in Orange County.
Along with the traditional commissions that real estate agents charge, there may also be fees charged for the brokerage services and other costs associated with using an agent. Even if you sell on your own, a buyer is likely to be working with an agent, who will take the commission from your profits. These commissions and fees can run into the thousands and are something you may not be aware of when selling your house in Orange County.
Marketing is what listing is all about and while yard signs may bring in buyers, the internet is the new highway that brings buyers to your door. Besides the inconveniences of showings, successful marketing comes with costs you may not be aware of when selling your house in Orange County. In order to compete, online listings require high quality photographs, submitted by a professional photographer. This may also include the services of a professional drone pilot for virtual tours given today's high demand for this feature on listings.
Prepping your home to be in selling condition may be one of the largest and most stressful of the costs you may not be aware of when selling your house in Orange County. When the last thing you want to do as a seller is to invest even money into the house,this is just what you may end up having to do. Inspections can deliver some very expensive news, especially in older homes. Structural issues, foundation or even plumbing problems can literally run into thousands of dollars. Any known issues with the home must be disclosed. If you aren't able to afford the repairs, be ready to deduct the costs from your asking price.
Holding onto a property that is lingering on the market carries costs you may not be aware of when selling your house in Orange County. One delay could be caused by your buyer being denied financing. If you’ve moved forward with plans and relocated, holding the property is a burden and adds greatly to the listing costs to expect when selling your house in Orange County. Now, to avoid them there is another option to sell your home quickly, with a definite closing date and firm offer from Pellego!
Closing costs for the seller are also costs you may not be aware of when selling your house in Orange County. While some of these costs may be negotiated in the contract, you'll be responsible for items such as the transfer tax and title insurance, there are also escrow and closing fees along with any HOA fees, attorney fees, and prorated property taxes. Some sellers also sweeten the deal to attract buyers by paying a credit towards the closing costs.
You could be facing a small fortune in costs that you may not be aware of when selling your house in Orange County. Why not avoid the listing costs you’d normally expect to pay by selling to Pellego instead? With a direct sale to Pellego closings are quick, usually within 30 days or less and you don’t need to worry about repairs. Pellego takes on the risks, buying your home as-is. Pellego even pays all of the closing costs. Send us a message or call us at (949) 625-4533 today to find out more!