Published: August 21, 2019

Emergency Preparedness Tips for California Residents

Emergency Preparedness Tips for California Residents
never know when disaster may strike. More often than not, we've experienced
stories in news broadcasts featuring families whose homes have undergone
destruction due to unavoidable natural disasters. Some may argue that the
chances of losing your home to a life-threatening emergency are slim. However,
exercising a proactive approach to prevent the pangs of disasters on your home
and gets you ready for the unknown. Besides, prevention is better than
most Americans are unaware of how susceptible their homes are to being hit by a
disaster. In 2015, wildfire cleared more than 8 million acres of land in the
US. Also, by May 2015, the country had experienced 150 strong tornadoes. More
surprising, RealtyTrac carried out a survey that specified that 
43% of
American homes
, totaling about 2,318 units, are at risk of
being hit by at least one type of disaster: tornado, wildfire, earthquake, and
Natural Disasters in California
is one of the most populated states in the US, with a total of over 39 million
residents. However, the Golden State is one of the regions in the US that are
most prone to 
. The most common emergencies in Cali include
wildfires, flooding, tsunamis and hurricanes, and winter storms. In 2018, Camp
Fire hit California, causing the most devastating wildfire in the state's
California's infamous natural disaster is 
earthquake. The
state is estimated to have 500 active fault lines and fissures, and 100 of them
are in Los Angeles. According to NASA, the chances of an earthquake occurring
in California is 99.9% in two years.
Preparedness for Earthquakes
CRMP Earthquake Brace + Bolt program grants California residents living in
earthquake-prone areas with$3,000 for retrofitting their homes to strengthen
them against rumbles. Even so, you need to 
your bedroom
, the entire home, and your family for a
likely occurrence.
Preparedness means
the steps you take to ensure you can respond and recover from a ground shaking.
Think of it as making savings in your survivability account for use in times of
emergencies. The best way to prepare for an earthquake is to:
  • Check potential hazards in the
    home and perform repairs
  • Design an earthquake preparedness
  • Identify safety areas both indoors
    and outdoors
  • Research more on earthquakes and
    steps to take to ensure safety
  • Accessibility of disaster supplies
    such as medicine, flashlight, first aid kit, emergency food, etc.
  • Create an emergency communication
Have Inventory of Personal Property
advantage of taking count of your personal property is that you can purchase
insurance cover that caters for all your valuable belongings. It's one of the
critical after-emergency documents because property inventory hastens your
Prepare the Home
the home is an effective way of ensuring you avoid the most damage to your
valuables. It also makes it easy to salvage items. Therefore, when you notice a
power hitch, disconnect every electrical appliance and system from the power
you need to store food properly. For example, in flood-prone areas, pack dry
foods in air-tight containers and place them in high places to avoid water
contamination. Further, categorize foods in the refrigerator to lag their
perishability. Food items such as milk, meats, and poultry can be frozen in
thick ice to prolong their shelf-life.
Revisit the Insurance Details
an in-depth understanding of your home insurance policy acts as a map on which
repairs or replacements to perform. Additionally, you need to understand the
 in your region of residence. That way,
you can make the best choice of which insurance to purchase. For instance, on
Florida's coast, you might need flood damage insurance.

Copyright © 2022
Joe Homs
California License #00702131
23121 Verdugo Dr #100, Laguna Hills, CA 92653
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