Do you have a downsizing plan for your house in Orange County? Lifestyles change and along with them, the requirements you have for a home change as well. In addition to finding your new smaller home and the hassles of listing and selling your current larger home, the task of downsizing can seem overwhelming. Going through a lifetime of memories and belongings can be emotionally stressful as well. We have broken it down into easy to manage steps to help make the process easier for you! Read on to learn more about our four-step downsizing plan for Orange County homeowners


The first step in our downsizing plan for Orange County homeowners is to sort your belongings, keeping in mind the limits on space in a smaller home. You can begin by sorting items such as clothing and kitchen or household supplies by the amount of time that has passed since last used, a common timeframe for this process is to eliminate items that have not been used within one year. As to decorative elements and furniture, rather than keeping items based on the market value, decide what you will be taking with you by what each piece means to you personally.


Moving forward to the second step of our downsizing plan for Orange County homeowners is to sell any valuable items you are ready to discard. The internet provides avenues to sell larger pieces like furniture locally, through sites listing items for sale, local rentals, and jobs, which are heavily trafficked. For more special items, there are sites that specialize in nearly any type of collectible. Additionally, there are sites where specialized items are gathered under one domain, with several categories of listings. Be certain to provide plenty of images of each item.


For many, giving their items to charity is preferred as a method of clearing all of their items, donating these goods is the third step in our downsizing plan for Orange County homeowners. Likewise, many people choose to donate those items that are still in good condition but either didn’t sell or do not carry enough value to advertise. Often, charitable organizations will come to your home and pick up the items you are donating, making the process easier for donors. Depending on the value of your donation, you may want to consider consulting your tax advisor in order to take any deductions for which you may be eligible. 

Recycle or Dispose

For those belongings not quite up to par to sell or donate, it is time to decide if they are ready to become trash or recycling material. You may be able to recycle clothing and other textiles as well as electronics. Remember, there are rules governing how much trash can be placed out for pickup as well as how it must be bundled. Depending on how much you are clearing out, you may have hire help to assist you. You may also need to pay to have a larger trash dumpster delivered and picked up after you have filled it.

Ready, Set, Go

The best downsizing plan for Orange County homeowners is to sell directly to Pellego. Just pack what you want to keep and leave the rest to us. We make the process easy, walking you through every step. Pellego uses simple and straightforward contracts and we close quickly, usually in 30 days or less. Working with Pellego also means none of the headaches of getting ready to list your home. You won’t even have to worry about painting, repairs, cleaning constantly for showings, and constant interruptions. Pellego will buy your home just as it is and will even handle clearing out your unwanted items for you! To learn more, send us a message or call Pellego today!


But, “I have the heavy duty nails.”
Have you ever had a seller tell you that their home is the best on the block? I hear comments like this all the time.  “I have seen the competition and mine is 10 times better than theirs.”
So I'm at a listing presentation the other day with all the materials and all the proof showing the home’s value. In the industry we call this providing our client a comparable market analysis. So you can imagine after having over 40 years of experience how prepared I am for the listing presentation. I always begin the presentation by showing them the CMA that I prepared for them. I show them in black-and-white proof of the value of their home. This is established by showing them three sold properties that are very comparable to theirs, if not exact model matches. I also show them the properties that are currently listed on the market and have them pay special attention to the days on market. Then, comes the big question to the client. How much do you think your home is worth? I have established the value of the home between $810,000-$830,000. There are currently two properties on the market; one is currently in escrow at $815,000. The other is still active at $845,000, and has been on the market for over 60 days. The seller replies back, “Joe I really would like to sell my home for $845,000.” So here I am 30 minutes into the presentation and the seller is basically telling me that her home has “the heavy-duty nails.”
I continue on with the presentation telling the client that I have over 40 years of experience selling real estate, that I have a proven 87 point marketing plan, and that I am willing to discount my commission to help them save money on the sale of their home. All this is lost in the conversation and the seller is still stuck on selling the home at $845,000.  They thank me for providing them with his information and tell me they will call me when they have made their decision…
I get a call back a few days later and they are ready to list the home for $819,000.  We sell the home a short time later at full price.


Copyright © 2022
Joe Homs
California License #00702131
23121 Verdugo Dr #100, Laguna Hills, CA 92653
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